Five years on, The Yield Lab is still with you TerViva and Naveen Sikka🌳
Agriculture takes time and it is especially true for fruiting trees hashtag#agtech. Today TYL Asia Pacific is helping TerViva bring the Pongamia tree back to its origin… Asia. Like Jatropha and Castor oil plant, Pongamia was identified to be a 2nd generation biodiesel crop candidate: 25-50% oil, marginal land use, drought and flood resistance, non-food crop... TerViva’s founders have selected a variety yielding 10x more per acre oil and protein than soy, and developed patented processes transforming this thousand years old traditional medicine ingredient into food. TerViva is ramping up its non-GMO cooking oil, gluten-free baking flour (with gluten-like properties) and highly soluble protein isolates for beverage applications. Thank you Pearly Neo from Food Navigator and Bill Poorman for capturing this beautiful project’s essence during Naveen’s visit in Singapore in Feb 2020 in your article and podcast (starts 9 min).
#trees #innovation #startups #venturecapital #sustainability #fundraising #agribusiness #asiapacific #womenvc #womeninag
The Yield Lab Asia Pacific Team
For successful innovation in food and agricultural technologies
globally - sustainably - profitably